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    Legal Notices

    The owner of Walking Bear Woman Counselling & Consulting Services and of this website asserts UNDRIP; and therefore exercises Article (31) & Article (31)(2), in all content of this website.

    Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures, including human and genetic resources, seeds, medicines, knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over such cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions.

    (2) In conjunction with indigenous peoples, States shall take effective measures to recognize and protect the exercise of these rights. 

    Copyright Notice

    © 2022 Walking Bear Woman Counselling and Consulting Services

    This website and its content are protected by Canadian copyright law. Except as otherwise provided for under Canadian copyright law, this website and its content may not be copied, published, distributed, downloaded or otherwise stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or converted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

    For further information, please contact:                              

    Shawna Oochoo

     Founder & Owner

     WBW Counselling & Consulting Services