Compassionate Culture Mentorship & Network
Envisioned Compassionate Culture Network (Coming Soon)
At first it may seem like building a compassionate culture may be far too great of a challenge and undertaking; however, a compassionate culture is a natural characteristic that was an unique characteristic to Indigenous People and through out Indigenous Nations across Turtle Island. Compassion guided much of our interactions and relationships; therefore, we believe it is just a matter of collectively re-awakening it by designing a system that allows everyone to have a shared role and responsibility.
We truly believe that if we all individually commit to sharing in the work a compassionate culture can be realized and achieved much sooner that what you may realize!
Therefore, to fully encourage and support communities commitment to creating more compassionate spaces and interactions we invite those that we work with to nominate one or two dedicated personnel, which we refer to as Compassionate Culture Mentees who will walk a gentle, yet thorough mentorship journey, with a fully trained and certified Compassionate Culture Mentor.
During this time they will share in cultivating and strengthening a Compassionate Culture within their communities and agencies gain full access to the Compassionate Culture Mentorship Circle and to the Compassionate Culture Network and share in further contributing to and/or hosting:
- Compassionate Culture Events
- Compassionate Culture Gatherings
- Compassionate Culture Mentorship Circles (National)
- Compassionate Culture Tools & Skills Guide
Once Compassionate Culture Mentees successfully achieve full Compassionate Culture Mentor status, they not only will be celebrated for their achievements and will gain authorization to provide and be compensated for Compassionate Culture Tools & Skills Training & Compassionate Culture Mentorship.
In addition, the invested community and/or agency will become a Authorized Compassionate Culture Community (or Agency) Provider and will have full authorization to provide Compassionate Culture Tools & Skills Training and Compassionate Culture Agency Advisement within their region, territory or community.
This design ensures that compassionate spaces are being developed and nurtured not just by the agency participating but are being led support workers. We envision that by this design Compassionate Culture Tools & Skills and Compassionate Culture Network will be blanketed across Indigenous communities and within agencies across Canada (if not, Turtle Island) for years to come.
For more information on how your community get involved, please reach out today!